Hello everyone:0
I am going to talk about Healthy Eating today.
I eat Vegetables and fruits everyday to keep myself healthy.
I suppose that some of the foods are like Fries,Chocolate and many more:)
It is important as if alot of people don't eat healthy food,They will all be sick and need to go to the Doctor everday:
So, don;t be sick:)
Okay,some of the dieseases is that the person may be overweight or when they eat too much sugary things, They will get Diebetes:]
I think that the benefits is that we will be very healthy.
I like to eat fruits, But not vegetables:)HeHE:)
Yes.AS it is very important.
I cannot think of any at the moment... Sorry...
Bye for now:)
And I love ya:*
6:15 AM